GE Advantium microwave wall oven combination

GE, that has recently signed a definitive agreement to sell its Appliances business to Electrolux for $3.3 billion, modernized the wall oven microwave combination with GE Advantium. As far as the sale to Electrolux goes, as part of the transaction, Electrolux will continue use of the GE Appliances brand for the foreseeable future.

Feature rich Advantium speedcooking wall oven combo follows trends in kitchen remodeling – space saving and cutting edge cooking technology. Having the space saving Advantium speedcooking oven in your kitchen is like having 4 ovens in one – Speedcook, true European convection, microwave and warming / proofing. By upgrading the microwave portion of the combo to the Advantium wall oven, GE is giving the appliance owners a plethora of cooking choices.
The Advantium component of the wall oven combo features technology that harnesses the power of light, cooking the outside of the food like a conventional oven with radiant heat produced by halogen bulbs above and below the food. This halogen produced heat receives a boost of microwave energy. The result is it browns food and cooks evenly and quickly – 2 to 8 times faster than a conventional ven while retaining food natural moisture.
Only the Profile and Café models feature the option of an Advantium convection oven combo with suggested price of $4,000. GE Appliances.

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